Moving to a New Perspective

Do you ever dread doing something so much that you can think up any excuse imaginable to avoid it? Moving is one of those things for me. Digging through years of piled up papers, disorganized drawers, and those bins filled with items you swore you “needed” the last time you moved but have rested untouched. This past Monday morning my wife and I moved to a slightly larger rental property in anticipation of the birth of our first child, Cillian, who we expect to meet around August 13th. Our past moves included our daring adventure with radios to communicate between … Continue reading

Dorm Room Decorating

It won’t be long until you head off to school (or until your child heads off to college life). So, how do you plan to decorate (or help your kids decorate) the dorm room? Dorm rooms are generally neutral in color but you may want to find out for sure. If you haven’t had a chance to see the dorm, call to ask for details. Ask about size, color, number and location of electrical outlets and windows, and find out what items are included, such as a bed. Also, ask which, if any, items are forbidden (such as power strips … Continue reading

Living in a Dorm

There has been some discussion in our forums about dorm rooms and college. It seems that sophomores may have a harder time with getting appropriate housing arrangements. Since some of you will be sending your children off to live in a college dorm this fall, I have decided to share information on the different types of housing that most colleges offer. Some universities require freshmen to live in a college dorm room. After the freshmen year, students may move into an apartment off campus or remain living in the dorm. I think that most universities have chosen this policy … Continue reading

Making Base Housing Home

Military families have many challenges and endure constant changes, one of which is making base housing feel like home and another is moving frequently. You can make your house or apartment feel like home and set up house so it’s easier to move your things with little notice, all at the same time. One of the ways to do so is to choose portable, double duty furnishings. Not only will they take up less space than traditional pieces if you end up moving into a smaller place, but furnishings that also provide storage don’t require as much effort when it … Continue reading